Skarlet Kiss Read online

Page 11

  “I do.” The woman hurried forward, her terrified gaze on the husk at their feet. “Come, my lady. I shall get it for you.”

  “You saw what—” her companion whined.

  “Aye, I did, and I’ll not risk death to my child. We will do whatever she wishes.”

  “She is vampire.”

  “Nay.” Una nudged the man. “I am not vampire, nor am I dragon. I am something else, something far more dangerous.”

  “What would that be?” the woman whispered, her hands cradling her abdomen.

  “A woman in love.” Una patted her shoulder. “Come, I would have loan of whatever you can spare. Take the dagger in trade if you like.”

  “It belonged to one of the king’s lawyers.”

  “Perhaps.” Una shrugged indifferently. “He should have known better than to come between me and my mate. I will not rest until I have him back.”

  “By all that is good, we cannot aide her. Draconi will punish—”

  “You can join him.” Una waved at the carcass. “It matters not to me.”

  “I will aide you,” the female offered. “I know my way about the land fairly well.”

  “Could you get me to the castle?”

  “Aye, I can. But why would you go there?”

  “The king’s lawyers are there. They will know where my Liam is. And if he has perished I will instruct them on the futility of their actions.”

  Swallowing, the woman nodded and scurried toward a thin trail. “This way, my lady. Come before the guards sense us and come to investigate.”

  “Lead on.”

  * * * *

  “You are a fool, Liam. Did you think we would not find out about this disregard for our traditions, our laws?”

  Liam lifted his pounding head. He focused on the shadow in the doorway of his cell through the swollen folds of his eyelids. Legs braced, a heavy handled whip at his hip, the jailer stared at him. Liam drew in a shaky breath, every line of his body aching. Blood dripped from his face. The searing lines across his back ached with every inhalation. He could taste the bitterness of blood on his tongue, two jagged teeth cut into his cheek and tongue. A heavy blow from a hammer had broken them.

  “Why would you care?” He wheezed. His chains rattled as he shifted, pressing closer to the wall, exhaustion a heavy weight on his soul. “You and yours have long since forsaken me. Why should you care what I do?”

  “Do not lip me, you worthless bastard.”

  Liam flinched, his jaw locked to stop the cry of agony when the whip came crashing down across his shoulders. The barbs cut deep, slicing through flesh, leaving trails of burning agony he could barely stand. Only the thought of Una’s safety kept him from lashing out. As long as they had him to toy with, she had a chance to escape, a chance to have life. It was all he could hope for.

  He hunched over, his heart hurting at the idea she wouldn’t have it with him. He could see her in the morning light, feel her warm body wrapped around him. Hear her laughter. Ah, my precious little one, to know you are safe is worth...

  “Hold on for me, my love. Hold on just a little longer.” Una’s voice teased his ears, the soft sound soothing the ache in his body.

  He pressed against the stone wall, tears burning the backs of his eyes. Her memory, her promise something he clung to. A part of him knew it was foolish, that his life would end here, in the belly of the king’s prison, but still another...ah, that part of him prayed and hoped for the impossible. Why did you not confide in her? Why not tell her of your love? Now it is too late and she will never know. What did it matter if she didn’t love you in return? In time you could have made her love you, could have won her heart. Ah, to hear her voice, to feel her touch just once more.

  “Well? Has he spoken?”

  “Not of the mortal he assisted.” The jailer’s voice was soaked with loathing, with hatred. “He will break though. He is not the first I’ve had to punish.”

  “We need the details to hunt. A mortal with a dragon’s heart…no, we will not, cannot, allow such a thing.”

  Oh, but you will, dragon prince. I will kill you myself before I let you touch her. Closing his eyes, Liam sank into the coolness of the stone, his mind drifting to the last night they’d shared, the passion, the laughter...and he knew she had more than just a physical part of him, Una held both his hearts, his entire being, in her palm.

  * * * *

  “You said you would not interfere.”

  “I do not believe I have. Your mortal still lives.” Draconi sipped from the chalice of wine in his hand. He glanced over his shoulder to the dark-haired beauty standing in the middle of his private chamber. “And I do not believe I invited you, mother of the vampires. Especially into the privacy of my personal chambers.”

  “You risk Saltar’s release for some archaic law?” Selene strode forward, her voice tight with barely leashed rage.

  “The mortal female is hardly capable of holding Saltar. You seek a war with all—”

  “I seek no war!” Selene’s hand slashed out, her claws shredding the silver of his cup, spilling wine across the floor. “You fool. So petty and selfish. You have seen the harm Amuliana can wrought and still you run to your king of the dragons and tell of Liam’s act of kindness. Your woman asked me once if it was my intent to crawl into your bed.” She shook her head, her dark eyes flashing with her emotions. “I denied her accusations, but now, I think you toy with your little female because the one you desire is unattainable.”

  “What nonsense are you spouting off about?” Draconi held tight to his control. The woman before him was dangerous to any who she felt had rebuked her. He’d heard of her brutal dealings with some mortals when they had destroyed a temple of hers. “I have no desire to have you in my bed. Leave Sarah—”

  “Oh, but I won’t.” Selene straightened, a cold smile slithering across her face that sent shards of unease down Draconi’s spine. “So be it. If you will not aide one of your own children, I shall. Even now as we speak, Una is growing in strength, in instinct. You have failed.”

  “You rant on about such nonsense. I will deal with Amuliana in my own time. It is not for me to decide what happens to your—”

  “Do you wish to know what will happen?” Selene grabbed the front of his hauberk. “I shall tell you. The black-hearted goddess will grow in power, in prestige, until nothing can stop her. Then she will release Saltar upon the lands like a plague. His army will stream across, bred for the purpose of destroying all who do not bow before her. Unlike you, however, I shall gift my children with the ability to protect themselves. Bede is favored, so is Una, so is your prince’s wife. To them I shall give power untouched by any man. Then I shall turn them loose on the worlds. They will raise an army and destroy those who follow Amuliana...and in the process your dragons will be decimated.”

  “How dare you threaten me. I said I would deal—”

  “You also said you would not interfere, and yet that is exactly what you have done.” Selene sneered. Her hands knotted into fists at her side, she nodded when he denied such an act. “Yes, yes, you have meddled, and now those who are against Amuliana must stand together to undo the damage you’ve wrought.”

  “He broke the law!” Draconi bellowed. “There are penalties for such things. If we allow everyone to do as they wish—”

  “Liam is as innocent of a crime as your beloved Sarah. Tell me, lord dragon, do all your servants know you bed a mortal? Do you treat them with such appalling regard? Aye, you and your precious Amuliana will not win, of this I can assure you.”

  “I’ll not tell you again, leave Sarah—”

  “My lord?” As if answering his call, her voice drifted into the room. He turned to stare at Sarah as she hovered in the doorway.

  “Come, come, Sarah,” Selene said.

  Draconi felt a shard of fear as Selene waved her further into the room. With each step Sarah took, the fear grew until it choked him. Striding past the vampiress, he pulled Sarah into his embrace. He turned,
his beloved behind him as he stared at the vampire mother.

  “I will war for this.”

  “War?” Selene shook her head. The anger faded from her eyes, her shoulders hunched forward, and a single blood red tear rolled down her cheek to fall and shatter like glass upon his floor. “Liam is a good man who loved a girl. What does it matter who she is? Should I declare war upon your house for taking a mortal a vampire killed and giving her life? Aye, you condemned Liam for the exact same crime as you have committed.”

  “I hardly see the—”

  “He gave unto a girl life beyond that which her goddess wanted. He gave of himself, of his time, his love, to protect her, never understanding why until it was too late.” Selene heaved a shaky breath. “You gave life to one who was not of this world and found your heart. May the coming days be merciful, Draconi. I fear we will all need a bit of it.”

  She shuffled past him, her hands knotted at her side.

  “If I grant him freedom…” Draconi stared down into Sarah’s face, his heart swelling with love. “If I can undo this damage, how can I be certain your people and mine will not continue to war? How can we be so certain they will unite against a common enemy?”

  “Hema desires to destroy Saltar. He has accepted dragons into his court to speak of peace. How can I trust your people will keep to their word?”

  Draconi cupped Sarah’s face, his heart throbbing wildly in his chest. “Selene,” he called as his chamber door opened.

  She froze, her back to him.

  He could smell the salt of her tears, feel the pain in her chest. He could not undo what he had done, but perhaps he could offer a show of faith. Something the goddess would accept. “There is no way to undo what I have done. I cannot take back what I have revealed. I shall plead for my people to honor their allegiance. Dragon, vampire, we shall—”

  “Do not forget there are others.” Selene turned slightly, her face in profile. “The Forsakens are gathering in strength, in unity. Soon an army unlike any we have known will stand as one. Saltar and his bitch must fall.”

  “So be it.” Draconi watched Selene walk away. Prejudices had blinded him, and now he would have to undo the damages, but how? How could he undo what was done?

  “You will find a way, my love.” Sarah laid a hand on his sleeve. “You always do.”

  “I hope you are right.” Draconi pressed a kiss to her temple. He didn’t have nearly the same faith as she did.

  Chapter 19

  Hoping she was doing the right thing, fighting back her instinct to slaughter all who stood in her way, Una waited at the elaborate doors of the dragon king’s throne room. She rubbed her palms on her hips as the doors swung open and she was ushered through. Una swallowed hard. The lump in her throat threatened to choke her as she beheld Liam. Huddled on the stone floor before a massive throne, he looked terrible. Bound in heavy chains, bruises marred his chest and back. A fine trickle of blood had dried at the corner of his mouth. His captors had not been kind.

  Tears threatened, burning her eyes as she advanced into the room. She ignored the whistles and catcalls from the dragons gathered. Her fists knotted as she moved proudly toward the man who held her heart in his grasp. Kneeling before him, she tugged her sleeve down to mop at the blood.

  “You should not be here.” Liam wheezed. “It is not—”

  “Where should I be then, my love?” Una choked out. She inhaled a shaky breath, her heart beating wildly in her chest. “With my sister? Alone in some mortal world? My place is with you, I have nothing else.”

  “You are free.” Liam leaned forward, his head pressing against hers. “My death will ensure your life, I can ask for nothing more.”

  “Life holds no more meaning to me than a puff of smoke without you.” Una cupped his jaw. “I do not want to live without you.”

  “Ah, little one. You deserve so much I cannot give.” Liam offered a pained smile. “Be at peace. This is my choice.”

  “Nay, my life is not worth the penance you pay.” Una shook her head. “Listen to me, Liam. You have saved me from many things, you’ve shared your food, your warmth, your bed...all for the little fool who so blindly allowed it without thought to what you must feel. I know I have never been the one you seek. I cannot be, for love is not meant to be a constant war.” She inhaled to gather her courage. Blinking as a lone tear trailed down her cheek, she shook her head. “If there be blood spilled, let it be mine so you can be free of the burdens I have placed upon you. There are no chains more powerful than the honor you hold within your hearts. Fight for the life you deserve.”

  “You are a fool.” Liam swallowed audibly. “I have done all I have because you are of my soul. I embrace this penance because it is my gift to you. Live for both of us, Una. Do not let fear hold you back, your heart will guide you if you but listen to it.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” an armor clad warrior roared as he stormed into the room. “I forbade the mortal—”

  “My lord, Clayne.” A tall, broad shouldered warrior stepped forward. “She begged for entry. Said she would take his place.”

  “She is not worthy.”

  “She loves him.”

  Una stared at Liam, her ears picking up the muted conversation. She pressed her lips to his face, willing him to take from her, to soak up her strength and accept she would take his place.

  “Love? What does a mortal—”

  “She isn’t mortal, my lord.”

  “Of course—”

  “She bears the mark.”

  “What mark?” Clayne strode across the room and grabbed Una’s arm, lifting her to her feet. Una hid a wince as his grip tightened painfully. “Well? What mark is this he speaks of, woman?”

  “She bears the wings of Alansoa.” Liam struggled to his feet, a dark look in his eyes. “They are wrapped around the head of Delort.”

  Clayne stared at Una for a moment before he turned to Liam. “And how would you know this, traitor?”

  “She is my other half. I know every inch of her body.” Liam flushed but didn’t cringe from the man’s stare. “As well as you know your wife’s.”

  Clayne released Una and stepped closer to Liam. “You betrayed us by giving a dragon’s heart to a—”

  “He did not betray you.” Hiding her shock at Clayne’s words, Una stepped between them. “Any more than you have betrayed your king. Liam is a just and honorable man, and I will not allow you to destroy him. Kill me if blood must be spilled, but leave him in peace.”

  “Una, no! I forbid—”

  “Silence, traitor. You knew our laws and yet you broke them.”

  “Please.” Una clung to Liam, her chin lifted proudly. “Why do you rage at him? You abandoned him long before this. When I drank of him, I got his memories, and none were so cold as knowing your king punished him for something he did not do. No, if there be blood spilled this day, it will be mine. It is—”

  “Oh, for the love of Draconi.” A robust, long-haired man pulled his sword. “Enough of this nonsense. What does it matter who broke the law? If the female is so eager, let it be done.” He strode forward, thrusting the blade deep between her ribs.

  Una gasped, stumbling into Liam’s chest. She coughed, the acrid taste of blood on her tongue. Looking into his eyes, she smiled. “It is done.”

  “No,” Liam roared. “I forbid it. Stay with me, little one.” Snapping the chains, he grabbed hold of her, pulling her into his warmth as they sank to the floor. She could feel the pulse of her blood as it flowed over his skin, pooling beneath his knees. Lowering his head, he clung to her trembling frame. “I beg you. Just stay with me.”

  “My beloved Liam.” Una choked through the blood running down her throat. “You must accept what is meant to be, this is the only way.” She pressed against him. “For all that is holy, it must...”

  “I can accept anything so long as you are by my side. Just hold on for me. The wound is deep, but I can heal it.”

  “No!” Una grabbed for his ha
nds. “I loved you, Liam. More than any woman could love another. Do not let go. Do not heal what is broken.”

  Liam clung to her, the hot splash of tears on her face. She shivered at the chill creeping over her. Closing her eyes, she listened to the pulse of his beating hearts, to his whispered prayers. Smiling, she felt the darkness come, the warmth of it stealing through her body.

  “Liam.” His name slipped from her lips with her last breath.

  * * * *

  Liam rocked Una, his gaze lifting to Clayne and the other dragon. He couldn’t believe the gods would let Una die. Pulling her closer, he stifled a sob, the desire to follow her into the other world stronger than he could bear.

  “For the love of Draconi, did I say to kill the fleshling?” Clayne roared. “Nay. Has everyone lost their minds? By Draconi’s heart, you fool, did I not say I had been summoned before him?”

  “It is done.” Liam kissed her temple, his arms wrapping tighter around her body. Even as he caught the smell of death around her, felt the chill of it, he refused to believe. He lifted his head, his eyes meeting the prince’s. “Twice you and your people have turned your back on me. Twice you have failed to show honor. I’ll not give you a third chance. Know this, prince…I swear on the head of Draconi, if I see any of your followers I shall take from them that which you have stolen from me.”

  “Do not threaten our prince.”

  “Death will not come for you.” With Una clutched in his arms, Liam struggled to his feet, his body battered, his heart cracking to shatter around his feet. “Nay, you will beg for it if I see you again. By all that is holy within this land, you will know suffering.”

  His body shifted, transforming into his massive dragon form. Without hesitation, he spread his wings, a portal opening to reveal the snow covered peaks he’d once called home. Powerful muscles guided him into the air, through the doorway to the world of mortals where he’d first found Una. Ignoring the icy bite of the wind, he circled the mountain, landing on the ledge before his cave.